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Audrey is the most passionate bookbinding specialist in Barcelona. She used to work in Lyon before moving to Barcelona in 2012 and settling there with her family. To continue making a living out of her passion, she created a brand and a store called Les Carnets d’ Audrey. She always knew from her French and Spanish clients that her products would have great online potential. However, Audrey is not used to working on a computer and she didn’t know how to start. Today, she is telling us how she managed to create her multilingual online shop all by herself.
“I needed something simple… that when you click, you just understand what you have to do. I thought it would be so complicated but now I know that I can do!”
– Audrey, Les Carnets d’Audrey
“I’m an artist, my job is to create things with paper. Computers are not my thing at all!”. While dreaming of having an online store, Audrey was always worried that the software would be too complicated. However, ePages is simple and intuitive. In addition, whenever she has an issue, Audrey uses the Online Help Center. “I found some tips and tricks in the tutorials and I made it! I created my own online store.”
The art of bookbinding is often reserved for specialists and curators. However, some techniques can be applied to creative leisure activities that everyone can enjoy. Today, Audrey shares her passion and know-how by giving courses in a dedicated area of her shop. She is delighted to see her papers and notebooks available online.
The online store means a lot to me. It allows me to be visible all around the world. If someone needs paper in Barcelona, in France or in the United States, they can easily find me.
Audrey always knew that there was a high demand for her specialized products, such as Japanese or Nepalese papers. Both from bookbinding specialists and crafting amateurs. Having a shop located in a small street in Barcelona was not enough to reach customers to her full potential.
“I’ve always had some orders from the USA, Portugal, Canada, UK, Spain and France but payment and shipping were a nightmare. Today, I can offer a real solution to these customers and I am fully equipped to extend my reach internationally.”
“I chose ePages because it allowed me to display my shop in different languages. This is a MUST for me. In my everyday life in Barcelona, I speak French, Catalan and Spanish. On top of that, English is valuable for international clients.”
Audrey initially created her shop in Spanish and then created a French version. Thanks to dynamic urls, the online shop is automatically displayed in the appropriate language depending on the visitor’s location. For example, a customer connecting from France will see the shop in French while a user in Spain will see it in Spanish. The language can also be changed at the bottom of the page at any time.
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