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Mireia has a shop in Barcelona where she makes and sells her homemade clothing and accessories. Even though she didn’t have time to expand the business, she needed to sell her products online to reach more customers. Mireia happily chose ePages which she found to be the most time-saving ecommerce website.
“My online shop is fast and effective. I love it because it helps me save the time I need for creating my collections. This is what really matters to me.”
– Mireia, Visto Luego Existo
Mireia is an entrepreneur who has successfully managed to make a living out of their passion. This truly fulfilling lifestyle also means very, very long days of hard work. Mireia runs her business on her own, managing the entire process from product creation to client checkout. She designs her clothing collection, buys the material, sews everything, and attends to clients in the shop. Needless to say, she doesn’t have any spare time to spend on her laptop. Her ideal ecommerce solution had to be absolutely straight-forward.
This is really fast, I take the picture of the product with my phone and I upload it directly into my online shop. In 5 minutes I edit the product description and that’s it, the product is available online.
Mireia can access the administration of her online shop from her smartphone. During business hours, she takes advantage of quiet moments to take pictures of her products with her phone and create product descriptions directly in the online shop. Busy entrepreneurs know that every minute counts to make the most out of a working day!
Mireia decided to open an online shop because her clients are often tourists who are visiting Barcelona. Many of these people fall in love with her unique collections and want to buy Mireia’s products even from their home cities. Thanks to the new ePages online shop, Visto Luego Existo is not just a shop anymore, it’s a brand that is gathering a wider community of loyal customers.
Once you get started, everything goes smoothly, and it’s very easy. Honestly I am very happy that I joined this online world because it’s a great projection of my business to places that I couldn’t reach before.
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